Saturday, February 12, 2005

A Hiccough

I wanted to fix up my blogspace a bit. I wanted to put down some links on the right of sites I want to be associated with (my brother's blog for one) but I don't know how to do it, yet. So I'm putting the short list here first: - my brother's blog, one of the few people in the world who makes me feel mediocre. With an ego as big as mine, that's not a small accomplishment. Now this guy is a writer; compared to him, I'm just a mere dabbler in the art of putting words down to be read. What takes me hours to put together he conceptualizes, drafts, writes, edits, analyzes, rewrites, re-edits and finalizes in minutes. I can actually see the fucker squirm as he's reading this, pleased and embarrassed at the same time. I love screwing around with his head. I'm his older brother, I'm allowed. - my friend's blog/online art gallery. She's very good, if my head was screwed on right I should've ask her to do my portrait before she left for London. We have a weird relationship (for one thing, no one can figure out how not only do we stand each other's company for any length of time, but we actually look for each other to hang out) - we hate to be interrupted when we talk and we do it all the time to each other.

That's it for now. I'll write something more meaningful later. It seems I only get inspired after midnight ... wow that's, like, so poetic and stuff.


Anonymous said...

Hey you! I'm the first to comment on your journal!

*throws holy water* *sets blog on fire* Oops. ;P

Anonymous said...

No you're not...actually i am :P. hehe. Yay!

Mwahahah! this is anonymous...guess who i am
