Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Vatican Decision

I don't know what the fuss is about. Why is everyone so surprised by this? The Catholic Church let itself be known clearly its stand on homosexuality for the past two thousand years. I have no problem with that. It's not like they're dragging us into their dungeons and torturing us to "repent our evil ways".

What I don't get is why people insist on changing what they are. That's like telling the British to stop using English and speak Spanish instead because a minority of citizens in the United Kingdom speak Spanish. This isn't a corporation who should judge people on their merits and capabilities not on their beliefs and culture. This is a cultural institution which defines a set of beliefs and, well, a culture.

If they don't want us there, then why force ourselves down their throats? It's not like they have a monopoly on God, you know. We can't have everything in life, so why focus on the things we can't have? Don't get me wrong, if the Catholic Church, by some (heh) miracle, realize the stupidity of their position and lifts their idiotic and archaic views on homosexuality, then great! Besides, I've always wanted to see pigs fly.

Which is a shame, I always thought that gays and the Catholic Church would make a great fit. Think about it: who else would be happy completely surrounded by other men, have to engage in strange and beautiful rituals, wear black (trés chic! and so slimming!), tell people what to do and how to live their lives, and get to listen to everyone's dirt. Celibacy will be an issue but imagine if the half the clergy were gay it would soon be a moot point.

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